Hollin+Radoske Architects
Goldsteinstraße 61a
60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Fon +49 (0) 69 4844 989 0
Fax +49 (0) 69 4844 989 29
Executive director:
Bernd Hollin / Alexander Radoske
VAT: DE 202 158339
Responsible for the content:
Bernd Hollin, Alexander Radoske
Address as stated above
Competent supervisory authority:
Hessian Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners (AKH)
Bierstadter Straße 2
65189 Wiesbaden
fon: +49 (0) 611 17 38-0
fax: +49 (0) 611 17 38-40
Vocational regulations and codes of professional conduct
Hessian Act of Architects and Urban Planners, main statutes of Hessian’s Chamber of Architects and Urban Planners (Hauptsatzung der AKH), rules concerning continuing professional education, arbitration and mediation regulations. The vocational regulations and codes of professional conduct can be viewed (in German), accessed, and downloaded via the homepage of the AKH (www.akh.de) under the section titled “Recht”.
Professional registration
Bernd Hollin, Architect: 14432
Alexander Radoske, Architect: 14259
The professional title ‘architect’ was awarded in Germany, unless otherwise stated.
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